
Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct of a college serves as a guiding framework that establishes expectations and standards for behavior within the academic community. This code is designed to create a conducive and respectful environment that nurtures learning, personal growth, and a sense of community among students, faculty, and staff. It typically encompasses a range of principles, including academic integrity, respect for diversity, ethical behavior, and the promotion of a safe and inclusive campus. The code outlines the expectations regarding attendance, punctuality, and participation in academic and extracurricular activities.

Additionally, it often addresses issues related to plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic misconduct, emphasizing the importance of honesty and integrity in all aspects of academic work. The Code of Conduct also delineates disciplinary procedures and consequences for violations, aiming to maintain a fair and just community where everyone can thrive academically and socially. Regular communication and awareness campaigns are essential to ensure that all members of the college community are familiar with and adhere to the Code of Conduct, fostering a positive and respectful campus culture.