
Institutional Distinctiveness


The vision of the college is to become a premium institute of higher education dedicated to academic excellence, holistic development and community engagement. Our mission is to make quality education accessible to students coming from remote and distant villages around Mussoorie. Through participative and interactive programs we strive for regional development by contributing to socio economic advancement of the communities.

1. Our college is specially strategic for students of hamlets and villages surrounding the vicinity of Mussoorie.

2. It is also strategic for the economically weaker sections of students, being the only institution of higher education here.

The underlying and rudimentary spirit of Uttarakhand lies in its strong innate ethnic fabric of filial social structure. Filial piety is perceived to be a key element of hierarchy here.

Recent imperical analysis and observation indicate a magnanimous shift from this integral social structure to a process of migration or outflux of youth to metropolitan cities in search of jobs.

Our basic and ardent concern is to mitigate this defection of family heirs and help maintain the lineage of our society intact in Uttarakhand.

This authentic core identity of Uttarakhand can only be preserved and salvaged by generating a concept of education that can fortify our youth with comprehensive vocation-based know-how.

Our thrust and focus thereby lies on entrepreneurial and skill based higher education that can cater to the contemporary problem being faced by Uttarakhand- that of migration of youth, thereby reclaiming and redeeming the economy of Uttarakhand and stopping it from being eroded.

The local need demands an education that is skill- centric, fixing on the concept of imparting such education that makes our youth self-reliant.

This focus of education can empower our youth with sustainable development innovations, thereby minimising the challenges of a dissipating socio economic structure. The culture and topography of Uttarakhand widely connotes economy as its forte.

1. Entrepreneurial based education can ultimately benefit the social platform of Uttarakhand by diminishing the disintegration of social structure that is created by the migration of youth.

2. It can enhance all round development, thereby generating local economy and revenue.

Resources here can be identified and indigenous potentialities be made good use of to catalyse economic growth and help improvise on the general quality of life.

Impact of such skill based education can contribute positively to the local development of the area.

It can ultimately result in:

• Emergence of local enterprises.
• Expansion of these enterprises beyond the local region and realm.
• Achievement of a strong economic structure
• Improved socio-economic goods and services- markets, health, transport, etc.
• Enhancement in competence, capacity, and holistic attitude.
• Promotion of village industry, art, culture, heritage, natural resources.
• Rise in the level of quality of life and change in behavior.
• Psychosocial cognitive development of youth towards building self-worth and self-esteem.
• Generating local revenue will thereby curtail migration, and will also help integral social, ethnic, and filial fabric of our heritage from disintegrating.

Areas of potential skill can thus be :

• Tourism industry (guide).
• Local art and craft.
• Adventure sports and local games.
• Local cuisine and culinary art.
• Local, traditional attire and apparel.
• Local, organic agriculture, food grains, and spices. • Local horticulture.
• Local architecture.
• Local homestays.
• Local medicinal plants, shrubs, and herbs.

The augmentation and implementation of this integrative approach to education can enrich and enhance the functional knowledge of our youth, mobilize, channelize, and coordinate the socio-economic, techno, ethnic, and holistic development of our students, thereby solving the overawing magnanimous problems created by migration. The result will be all-round indigenous development.

Focus and thrust is thus to recognize, extract, enhance, and polish the hidden potential of our youth, empower and invigorate them with professional competence and cosmopolitan ideologies. The Indigenous potential resource is here- a strong, productive educational structure is required to extract and channel this potential resource. Thus education can play the role of an employment-rich interventional medium.

Covid times and the aftermath of Covid times too have augmented this thought process. The perception of skill-based education seems to be more linear and goal oriented if executed.