
College IQAC History

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Municipal Post graduate College, Mussoorie was established in 2013 by then principal, Dr. Sudhir Gairola. Dr. Lalit Mohan Upadhyaya, head of mathematics department, was made in-charge and it has been active since. Annual activities of the cell in a reverse chronological order are given below:

Current academic year (2023-2024):

Coordinator : Dr. Shalini Gupta
IQAC status : Active
Number of IQAC meetings held : To be uploaded
Number of IQAC members : Detail on website (www.mpgcollege.co.in)
Annual report status : To be uploaded

Academic year (2022-2023):

Coordinator : Dr. Shalini Gupta (December 2022 onwards)
IQAC status : Active
Number of IQAC meetings held : 01 on April 25th 2023
Number of IQAC members : Detail on website (www.mpgcollege.co.in)
Annual report status : Uploaded on website (www.mpgcollege.co.in)

Academic year (2022-2023):

In-charge: Dr. L. M. Upadhyaya (Till December-2022)
IQAC status : Active
Number of IQAC meetings held: Nil
Number of IQAC members : Nil (IQAC not constituted)
Annual report status : No report available

Academic year (2021-2022):

In-charge: Dr. L. M. Upadhyaya
IQAC status : Active
Number of IQAC meetings held: Nil
Number of IQAC members : Nil (IQAC not constituted)
Annual report status : No report available

Academic year (2020-2021):

In-charge: Dr. L. M. Upadhyaya
IQAC status : Active
Number of IQAC meetings held: Nil
Number of IQAC members : Nil (IQAC not constituted)
Annual report status : No report available

Academic year (2019-2020):

In-charge: Dr. L. M. Upadhyaya
IQAC status : Active
Number of IQAC meetings held: Nil
Number of IQAC members : Nil (IQAC not constituted)
Annual report status : No report available

Academic year (2018-2019):

In-charge: Dr. L. M. Upadhyaya
IQAC status : Active
Number of IQAC meetings held: Nil
Number of IQAC members : Nil (IQAC not constituted)
Annual report status : No report available

Academic year (2017-2018):

In-charge: Dr. L. M. Upadhyaya
IQAC status : Active
Number of IQAC meetings held: Nil
Number of IQAC members : Nil (IQAC not constituted)
Annual report status : No report available

Academic year (2016-2017):

In-charge: Dr. L. M. Upadhyaya
IQAC status : Active
Number of IQAC meetings held: Nil
Number of IQAC members : Nil (IQAC not constituted)
Annual report status : No report available

Academic year (2015-2016):

In-charge: Dr. L. M. Upadhyaya
IQAC status : Active
Number of IQAC meetings held: Nil
Number of IQAC members : Nil (IQAC not constituted)
Annual report status : No report available

Academic year (2014-2015):

In-charge: Dr. L. M. Upadhyaya
IQAC status : Active
Number of IQAC meetings held: Nil
Number of IQAC members : Nil (IQAC not constituted)
Annual report status : No report available

Academic year (2013-2014):

In-charge: Dr. L. M. Upadhyaya
IQAC status : Active
Number of IQAC meetings held: Nil
Number of IQAC members : Nil (IQAC not constituted)
Annual report status : No report available

Year of IQAC formation in the college - 2013