The following Committees are constituted to ensure the operational administration functionalities of the college. This diversification ensures that the committees address any issues faced by the stake holders and also aims for the improvements under the purview of the respective committee. Various committees for the academic-year (2023-2024) are as follows:

Management Committee
Management committee is to assist the administration in making policy recommendations to the management, undertake long-term assignments in order to develop and carry out strategic plan of the college
The primary purpose of advisory committee is to promote collaboration between specific educational programs and industry. To prepare students to succeed in their chosen career. Committee advises the administration to assist department staff by providing support and giving encouragement for quality education and training.
Monitoring of program educational objectives and program outcomes. Advising faculty members in preparation of Academic plans for their respective courses allotted by the Department. To promote in conduction of Co-Curricular activities. To promote research, activities establishment. Advising for value added training courses.
Academic Committee
The primary objective of Academic Committee is to make recommendations to the administration of the institute in various academic and professional related matters.
The academic committee provides a platform for its members to review and make suggestions for policies on college curriculum development
Academic Committee Responsibilities:
Monitoring of program educational objectives and program outcomes. Advising faculty members in preparation of Academic plans for their respective courses allotted by the Department. To promote in conduction of Co-Curricular activities. To promote research, activities establishment. Advising for value added training courses.
• To review on the policies of college curriculum development, medium of instruction, assessment for learning, teaching and learning quality.
• To disseminate curricular information and recommendations to the department heads and the Academic committee members.
• To review and formulate policies to enhance students learning motivation.
• To monitor and follow up of students learning outcomes.’
• To introduce and promote different teaching methods.
• To set up academic reward systems.
• To monitor student’s personal data and other learning experiences that enables student to pursue higher studies or develop their career.
• To enhance the teaching efficiency by promoting a transparent appraisal system.
Grievance Redressal Committee
To create a platform where students can discuss their problems, regarding academic and non-academic matters. To enlighten the students on their duties and responsibilities to access benefits. To ensure effective solution to the student’s grievances. To obtain speedy resolution to the problem.
Functions of the Committee:
The Grievances committee deals with the grievances of teaching faculty, other employees and the students. The Grievance Committee hears and settles grievances within short duration, after the grievance is lodged with the committee.
Grievances Redressal committee receives and redresses grievances reported for the following issues:
Academic issues: pertaining to teaching learning activities.
Student’s teacher, student- student
student- parent relationship pertaining to harassment etc. Internal evaluation and in assessment marking.
Complaint related to library and IT services.
Grievances related to classes, food, water, electricity, etc. Grievances related to sports, cultural and selection process etc. Grievances related to women’s issues and harassment. Grievance related to ragging
Grievances related to university examination.
Grievances related to delay in issuance of records and documents.
Grievance Redressal Committee
The purpose is to establish policy and procedures for the College to procure goods and services. These policies will ensure SIET College has a sound purchasing practices and appropriate controls in place to support the efficient and effective expenditure of funds.
Functions of the Committee:
The function of PC is to procure all necessary, economically and efficient materials and services needed for production or daily operation of the institute
Responsibilities of the Purchase Committee:
• To analyse quotations provided by the department, and provide recommendation for approval.
• To ensure all documentation is accurately completed.
• To ensure that the supplies/services quoted for comply with what was requested. Seek clarification from suppliers/service providers where necessary.
• To request technical input from relevant staff as required.
The PC should also be assigned a role within the supplier pre-qualification process. In certain contexts, it may be appropriate for some or all members of the PC to be directly involved in the collection of quotations Ensuring proportionality, transparency, accountability and fairness in the procurement process Ensuring all relevant documentation is prepared prior to PC meeting Ensuring that the Quote Evaluation Form is completed accurately Ensuring all necessary procurement procedures is properly followed.
To create and maintain safe, healthy and supportive environment for SC / ST staff and students in the campus. To address the issues of staff and students, belonging to schedule caste / schedule tribes in the Institute and to prevent atrocities against them. To comply with UGC regulations for the establishment of the Committee for SC / ST (As per the Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribes (prevention of Atrocities) act, 1989, No. 33 of1989, dated 11/09/1989).
To look into the complaints if any received from the concerned staff and students belonging to SC / ST. The Welfare Committee functions to promote technical and management education among SC/ST/OBC students and other weaker section of the society.
It continuously monitors and evaluates reservation policies intended for SC/ST/OBC Welfare by the Govt of Uttarakhand and also for the effective implementation of the same Welfare.
Monitoring qualified and eligible students to get both fee reimbursement and scholarship.
Sports Committee
To promote and enhance and change the spirit of sports along with academics. Function:
To organize physical education, sports and games activity to create an environment that stimulates desirable responses that contribute to the optimal development of the individual's potentialities in all the phases of life.
Responsibilities of the Sports Committee:
Coordination with the Student Sports Secretary. Keeping stock of previous and current years’ sports goods. Place order for sports goods on basis of quotations procured. Arranging the venues for sports events. Drawing plans for various sports. Consultation with the Principal
Obtaining permission to hold sports events in the college campus.
To obtain sanction for Entry/Registration Fees to participate in various sports events. To maintain attendance of students who participate in sports events.
Sorting out any sports related issues (team selections, objections, quarrels etc)
Maintaining reports of sports events participated outdoor or in the University.
To organize intra-class & inter - class sports and games competitions at the college level to identity talents in various sports and games both indoor and outdoor to build a strong college level teams to participate at the State Level and National Level competitions.
To encourage the students to actively participate in various sports and games competitions conducted by other colleges.
Cultural Activities Committees (CAC
To promote the inclination of students in the line of arts, culture, NSS activities. Functions: The Cultural committee helps the students to distinguish themselves apart from their curriculum. Students are encouraged to take part in various cultural events in college and other colleges and showcase their talents through various clubs/associations/national service schemes.
• Planning & Promotion
• To plan and schedule cultural events for the academic year.
• The committee shall display on the Notice Board/Website information about events to be celebrated.
Anti-Ragging Committee
Ragging means causing physical and / or mental trauma to a person as a result of physical abuse, manhandling, using abusive language or gestures or forcing to perform acts that may cause physical/mental damage. Ragging is a social, cultural and psychological menace. Students are urged to keep-up the glorious tradition of MPG and not to indulge in any activity within or outside the campus that may be construed as ragging. Any student, if found involved in any such activity, directly or indirectly, shall not only be expelled from the institution but also the matter will be reported to police / legal authorities for further necessary action.
To maintain discipline in the classroom and the college premises.
This committee monitors the students and ensures that no ragging activity happens. Also, in the event of any indiscipline activities, action is taken by this committee.
• To ensure compliance with the provision of UGC regulation 2009 at the institute level as well as the provisions of any law for the time being in force concerning ragging.
• To monitor and oversee the performance of anti-ragging squad in prevention of ragging in the institution.
Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee (POSH) :
POSH Committee is formed for speedy redressal of any complaint or issues related to women staff and students. Committee will examine complaints of sexual harassment or sexual discrimination pertaining to the female staff members and the female students and submits its findings to the principal for further actions. Main responsibility of POSH Committee is to ensure safe and healthy working environment for the female employees and the students, whereby they are protected against any kind of victimization and are put into environment which is free from fear in discharging their duties.
Securing the citizens, both men and women equally have the right to adequate means of livelihood. Empowerment of adolescent girls. Special provision for women. Violence against women. Unwanted conduct of a sexual nature or conduct based on sex affecting the dignity of women and man. This includes physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct.
Working environment - hostile, intimidating or if the victims refusal or acceptance of the behaviour influences decisions concerning her employment.
To look into the women grievances and to ensure safe work environment. Any issues relating to physical or mental harassment should be brought into the notice of committee. Preventive and remedial measures will be discussed in committee meetings.
Awareness on women issues will be created on the campus. Roles:/
This committee is meant for dealing with the problems of women on campus relating to sexual harassment and violent at work place. The committee is dedicated for creating an environment in the campus where everybody feels confident about their safety.
To make them strong and to stand up for themselves, not being afraid of the consequences.
Every complaint has the right to be notified in writing of the outcome of the complaint. Inappropriate and uncalled for comments about one’s body or dress.