

We are delighted to introduce to you the state-of-the-art Computer lab here at Municipal Post Graduate College, Mussoorie. As technology continues to play an increasingly important role in our lives and academic pursuits, our lab serves as a dynamic hub for innovation, collaboration, and learning.
• High-speed internet connectivity for seamless access to online resources and research material.
• Modern desktop computers equipped with the latest software and applications necessary for various courses and projects.
• Printing, scanning, and copying facilities to assist you in preparing assignments and projects.
• Dedicated spaces for collaborative work, discussions, and group projects, fostering a conducive environment for teamwork and knowledge sharing.
• Comfortable seating arrangements and ergonomic workstations designed to enhance productivity and comfort during extended study hours.
Our experienced and dedicated support staff are always there to assist you with any technical issues or queries you may encounter during your lab hours.
To make the most of our computer lab facilities, we kindly request you to adhere to the following guidelines:
• Familiarize yourself with the usage policies and regulations, including guidelines on acceptable use of resources and responsible computing practices.
• Respect the rights and privacy of your fellow students by refraining from engaging in disruptive behavior or excessive noise in the lab.
• Take care of the equipment and facilities provided, and report promptly for any damage or malfunction of the device.
• Remember to save your work regularly and log out of your accounts when you have finished your work to maintain security and privacy.

We hope that you will take full advantage of the resources and opportunities available to you in our computer lab. Whether it is completing assignments, doing research work, or exploring new technologies, we are here to support you. Let us harness the power of technology to unlock new possibilities and achieve academic excellence.