
About Library

Any library plays a vital role in nurturing, cultivating, chiseling the enterprising, amateur minds into thoroughly professional scholars through its books, journals, research papers and other academic reference material.

We have a rich and valuable collection of journals, newspapers, dailies, periodicals, science and general awareness books, magazines, prescribed text books and referential material with an updated catalogue.

Our rich collection is also replenished from time to time and our library is thus well stocked and replete with study and reading material anytime. It is dexterously managed by our efficient Library Staff that deserves to be applauded for their alacrity and promptitude Our Library is situated at the second floor of the college. It contains more than two thousand books in all disciplines that are being taught in the college. We follow the Dewey Decimal Classification of books by which most of the books have been catalogued. The NEP team from Delhi , visited our college in 2022 and were well impressed by our Library