
Best Practice 2

Topic: Education for Holistic Development


To support and fortify the NEP ideology of holistic education through the integration of skill and industry connections. To delve into the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual development of students.

• Need of the time is to concentrate on the all-round development of students.

• Holistic development is more than just academic achievement

• Personal and emotional development plays an equally significant role in shaping one’s future.

• Help our students reach their full potential in life.

• Enhance different types of generic skills for example critical thinking, communication skills, information literacy, professional values and ethics, and a positive approach to life.

The Context

• Challenging issues that need to be addressed.

• These skills need to be enhanced at an early stage of life.

• Inadequate infrastructure.

• Lack of qualified teachers.

• Limited resources.

The Practice

Holistic development can be enhanced in versatile aspects of human life. Delving into the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, economic, and spiritual development of students is a holistic approach to education.

• Creating a supportive environment.

• Encouraging students to participate in diverse co-curriculum activities.

• Identifying student's talent.

• Giving them opportunities and relevant learning experiences.

• Providing a platform to showcase their skills.

• Building core academic skills for enhancement.

College activities for holistic development :

1. Art and craft activity

• Best out of waste activity
• Banner and poster making

2. Cooking and horticulture workshop

3. Connect with nature

• Tree plantation drives.
• Cleanliness drive.

4. Music

• Cultural programs.

5. Holistic Wellness Activity

• Soulify workshop.

6. Puzzle solving activities

• Quiz competition.

7. National Awareness

• ITBP Workshop.
• Celebrating National Days
• Celebration of Festivals

8. Physical development

• Yoga activities
• Sports activities in college.

9. Language Skills.

• Add-on course on Communication.
• Essay competition.

10. Enhancement of self Esteem

• Gaura Shakti Women Empowerment Workshop.

11. Human values and ethics.

• Corona warriors
• Financial aid to wounded boy.
• Donation of books.
• Donation of blood.

Evidence of Success

• An all-round development of students is evident in their willing participation in multi-faceted activities of the college both indoor and outdoor

• Community Connect:- Tree Plantation and Cleanliness drives are organized by our children.

• Students were even active during Covid times.

• National festivals and National days are celebrated by our students in the college as well as outside.

• Our students are active in sports activities too

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

• Search for more and more holistic activities.

• Generation of funds to enhance such activities.

• Attendance of students in such activities during Climatic and Natural Calamity Hazards pose a hinderance.

• Transport and Mobilization of students from remote villages for attending such programs.